Taalim Fund
Empowering their futures
The situation in Tanzania is one of structural inequity based on the current design of its education system. Secondary enrollment rates across the country are at 35% as of 2022. Language inequity is a key contributor to this as the public school system through elementary and middle school is offered only in the national language of Swahili, creating massive inequity in the jump from Swahili based primary education to English based secondary, with large drop-off in the outskirts of the big cities where immediate economic prospects like selling at kiosks or engaging in manual labour often outweigh the benefit to be gained from a sub-par secondary education .
At Taalim Fund we will be offering scholarships to students in secondary schools to enable access to a better grade of school, over the public school - which can change the trajectory of their career options. Donors will have the opportunity to support students through the 4 years of secondary education and directly impact outcomes in their lives.
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